A master schedule of production deadlines will be developed by the Production Manager in consultation with faculty and staff.
The University of Portland master calendar will be consulted.
The production staff must adhere to all deadlines.
Permission to deviate from deadlines can only be granted by the Program Director or Production Manager in writing and in consultation with the director.
Student designers must contact their faculty advisor prior to asking for permission to deviate from the deadline.
Production meetings will be held weekly and is a forum for addressing and solving any issues that arise over the build. It is run by the Production Manager who sets an agenda for each meeting. Ideally, the Stage Manager and Production Director will be present at all production meetings. The Stage Manager is responsible for recording and distributing the notes from each meeting. If the Stage Manager is unable to attend, the director will assume this responsibility.
Directors and designers should meet between scheduled meetings to engage in conversations needed to meet production deadlines. Weekly production meetings may not provide enough time to work out all of the details. Additional meetings ensure that director and designers are on the same page and making appropriate progress
Meeting etiquette:
Arrive on time and be prepared with weekly deadlines.
Listen carefully to what others have to say.
Stay open and positive. A different idea might expand your understanding of the play.
Express interest in and enthusiasm for other people’s ideas.
Avoid, if possible, just saying no. Instead, provide options.
Make it your responsibility to be an advocate for the play.
Communicate in a timely manner.
Because our shows are built in place, there is no specific time for Load In. The stage manager should check with the technical director on dates as to when specific scenic elements will appear. If something is a priority, this needs to be made known at the weekly production meetings. Similarly if a scenic item appears and the director or stage management are concerned about the safety of said item, it should be recorded in a rehearsal report.
Light Hang and Circuiting usually occurs during Scene Shop Hours and on the Wednesday night (10pm – 12pm) before Tech. Light Focus usually happens the Thursday evening (7pm – 11pm) prior to Tech. These work sessions are open to all interested students. Contact the Technical Director if you are interested.
Paper Tech happens prior to Level Set. It is scheduled by the stage manager, often the day before Q2Q and is when all cueing will be written down in the script in preparation for first Tech. It usually involves the director, stage manager, the lighting designer, projection designer and sound designer.
First Tech is broken into two work slots usually on the Saturday before opening. The first slot is for light and sound level sets, and the second slot is the Q2Q. A complete and detailed tech schedule will be provided by the tech director and stage management. The director, stage manager, the lighting designer, the master electrician, the light board operator, the sound designer and sound operator are required to be there during these work slots. All running crew (except costume) and Actors must attend the Q2Q.
Because we have a robust scenic crew, there is no strike following the closing performance.