Constitutional Articles of "The Theater Club on Campus"
The name of the group shall be The Theater Club on Campus. The name of the club can be changed with approval from all club officers and advisors.
The Theatre Club on Campus, formerly known as ActUP, is a student-run production company that has been the home of collegiate theater-makers at the University of Portland for over a decade. As a club, we aim to organize opportunities for students to create theater that challenges, inspires, and entertains. The Executive Board shall act as a liaison for the student body to the faculty.
Membership shall be open to all University of Portland students, both undergraduate and graduate regardless of chosen major with the following guidelines:
The Theater Club on Campus shall carry a policy of non-discrimination that deems we shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin, and will not tolerate any such discrimination by its members.
The Theatre Club on Campus policy of non-discrimination forbids discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Such discrimination will not be tolerated by the club, Executive Board, or any members.
As a Registered Student Group at the University of Portland we adhere to the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy. This group provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status except where such distinction is required by law. Such discrimination will not be tolerated by the club, Executive Board, or any members. Additionally, the Office of Student Activities prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Section 1
The Executive Board of The Theater Club on Campus shall be made up of four elected officers and at least one faculty advisor:
President. Shall preside over Executive Board meetings, and shall be available at all General Membership meetings. Reports to the faculty advisor, keeping them informed on all proceedings of the group.
Vice-President. Shall act in the capacity of President should the President be unable to fulfill their duties. Shall preside over General Membership meetings. In charge of delegating jobs for events, reaching out to people in and out of the club for help, and acts as a liaison within the club.
Secretary Shall record all proceedings of Executive Board and General Membership meetings. Shall maintain accurate and legible records that shall be passed on to future secretaries. Shall handle all documents for the club, including but not limited to; spreadsheets, google forms, etc. Creates graphics for the club.
Treasurer and Producer. Shall be responsible for the accurate recording and reporting of The Theater Club on Campus budgets and financial records. Shall oversee all financial interactions between the club and ASUP and Waldschidmt. Payments to the club made through Venmo should go through the Treasurer’s account and all money made must be deposited to Waldschimdt. As Producer, shall be responsible for overseeing the productions of the Theatre Club on Campus. Shall be the go to contact between directors, actors and faculty for all productions. Shall act as a production manager, including recruiting directors, stage managers, and any other design team members for productions. Shall have frequent production meetings with design team members. Shall administer contracts for productions.
Community Coordinator. Shall maintain social media presence as well as create social events for the club to engage in. Shall connect with other on-campus clubs to develop relationships and create events. Shall be the point of communication through email.
Faculty Advisor. Shall keep the group informed on all school and departmental policies regarding the group's activities. Shall act as liaison between the club and the school or department administration should the need arise. Not an elected officer.
Section 2
The Executive Board for the following year shall be elected by the General Membership online.
Nominations will be held by the General Membership, with the winner being the candidate that receives the majority of the members’ votes. Candidates should not be running for more than one office. Anyone can run for office with the following guidelines:
The office of President shall be held by an undergraduate theater major or minor.
The office of Treasurer shall be held by any member who is not in their final year at the University.
The offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Community Coordinator shall be open to any member.
Faculty Advisor shall be selected by the Executive Board with allowed input from the General Membership - an invitation will be extended to the faculty member chosen.
Faculty Advisor should be a member of the faculty or staff of the University of Portland Performing and Fine Arts Department.
Section 3
An Executive Board member may be removed from office by a 3/5 majority vote of the Executive Board along with the endorsement of the Faculty Advisor.
Section 4
Should the office of President be vacated, it will be filled by the current Vice-President, and a general election shall be held to replace the Vice-President at the next General Membership meeting, or by an emergency General Membership meeting if deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
Should the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Community Coordinator be vacated, it will be filled by a general election held in the same manner as above.
Executive Board meetings are to be held once every other week at the convenience of the Executive Board members. Location to be announced at least one week prior. Meetings to be conducted as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
Meetings with the Faculty Advisor are to be held once a month at the convenience of the Executive Board members and Faculty Advisor.
General Membership meetings shall be held at the discretion of the club officers. There will be a set meeting at the beginning of each semester to welcome new members and reveal plans for the coming year. Time and location will be disclosed via email and social media postings from the secretary.
One-half of the current total membership must be in attendance at a General Meeting in order to establish a quorum, while three-fourths of the Executive Board shall establish a quorum in an Executive Board meeting. The faculty advisor shall not be required to establish a quorum
Should The Theater Club on Campus disband, all real items donated or purchased with Waldschmidt money shall be handed over to the University of Portland Theater Department for use as they see fit. Any club materials or supplies purchased with ASUP funds will be returned to ASUP, and those funds obtained from fundraising or club dues will be returned to the university after three years of group inactivity.
Amendments to this constitution can be made by a 2/3 majority vote at a General Membership meeting.
Constitution Adopted
March 24, 2023.