Rehearsal Guidelines 

The standard non-tech rehearsal times have been Sunday-Thursday, 7p-10p.  Directors should make a rehearsal schedule that best serves their production within the following guidelines.  Exceptions to these guidelines may be allowed with advance notice and with approval of the Production Producer.  Advance notice is considered 2 weeks prior to the desired exception. 

 Non-Tech Staging Rehearsals: 

  • No production may rehearse more than 18 hours each week. (Week is defined as Monday-Sunday) 

  • Weekend rehearsals may not begin before 5p 

  • Rehearsals must conclude and the cast and crew must be released NO LATER THAN 11:00p 

  • Students are not required to rehearse if they attend a class during the rehearsal time. 

  • No actor may be called for more than 18 hours / week. If a student is working on 2 productions, the weekly maximum of hours called is 18 hours total, to be shared between the shows. Stage manager records are used to verify hours worked. 

  • Rehearsals may not run more than 15 minutes past the scheduled end time.  During a run-through situation where it is clear the show will not finish by the scheduled end time, the cast should vote during a break whether or not to finish the run and go past the end of day time.  The stage manager or deputy should collect votes and notify the director of the group decision.  Running over time is not allowed if it exceeds the 18-hour weekly limit.   Any cast member who is unable to stay for the additional 15-minutes must be released without penalty.  

Tech Week Rehearsals: 

  • Rehearsals should conclude by 11:00p, although notes sessions with the cast and crew may continue past 11:00p.   

  • On a mainstage Late Focus Night, the cast must clear the stage by 10:00p.  Notes may continue in the lobby. 

  • Students must attend all technical rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances.  Students will be provided with an excused absence letter for classes missed during those rehearsals.  Please do not wait for the signed letter to notify your professors of known show-related absences. 

  • Students may not be called to rehearsals for a production other than the one in tech. 


Basic rehearsals: 

  • 60 minutes or less of rehearsal time:  a 5-minute break may be taken 

  • 60-90 minutes of rehearsal time – a 10-minute break must be taken.  Rehearsal time cannot exceed 90 minutes before a break is taken. 


  • Breaks should be taken at the intermission period and after the run-through, before giving notes.  

5-minute breaks are acceptable at the intermission point if the act runtime is 60 minutes or less. 

  • If any work is done prior to the run-through (fight call, scene rehearsal etc),a break must be taken.  For work that is less than 60 minutes, a 5-minute break is taken.  For work that is more than 60-minutes, a 10-minute break is taken. 

  • If an act exceeds 90 minutes, a 10 minute break must be taken at the end of the act. 

  • No production may rehearse during a mainstage strike. 

  • Rehearsals may not begin prior to 8:00p on a day with a post-matinee strike 

  • Rehearsals occurring on the same day as an evening strike call must conclude and be clear of the stage before the strike call time. 


Student Care and Advocacy Resources


Sample Actor Contract