Student Care and Advocacy Resources  

UP Theater’s Anonymous Reporting Form: 

This form will be reviewed prior to every faculty meeting. Any issues will be discussed at the meeting with faculty, staff, and student representatives to ensure prompt action.  

  • If your need is urgent, please contact either the Campus Safety 24 hour emergency line: 503.943.4444 or the 24-hour non-emergency: 503.943.7161 (  

  • If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, you may call the Health and Counseling Center at 503.943.7134 during the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, or the On Call Counselor at 503.943.7134, option 3 at any time of day or night. 

  • Regarding incidents of imminent danger, first call 911, then contact Campus Safety at 503.943.4444 so that they are aware and available to assist the police. 
    Office of International Education, Diversity, and Inclusion at or by phone Monday to Friday, between 8:30 and 4:30 at 503.943.7857.  

  • If you experiencing discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, sexual harassment, or interpersonal violence, you may make a report to the Title IX Team online, by email, by phone or in person. Phone: 800.745.3261 or 503.943.8982 or email: University of Portland Title IX Policy 

  • If you experience or observe any acts of bias, prejudice, violence, or incivility, we encourage you to report it immediately to the Campus Safety Department. 
    The university's online reporting system can be found at the following address: 


Student Employment


Rehearsal Guidelines