
DESCRIPTION: Dramaturgs will be assigned to productions as soon as possible after the season announcement. At least one semester lead time is necessary for effective collaboration with the director and design team. At the University of Portland, students often take on the role of dramaturg for mainstage and student-run productions under the mentorship of the director and/or another faculty member. 

A dramaturg is a devoted creative team member who can perform a multitude of different functions depending on the production. The Dramaturg is a part of the production team, and therefore is expected to meet all deadlines, attend production meetings and rehearsals as requested, and support the design team and company in creating a specific world and story for the stage. A dramaturg’s goal is to make the story the playwright and director want to tell as clear as possible.  

REPORTS TO: Director and/or Faculty Advisor 


  • Consult with the director and determine the scope of the job using the dramaturgy menu in the Appendicies. 

  • If needed, assist the director in choosing a translation or adaptation of the work.  

  • If needed, assist the director in cutting or adapting the script.  

  • Read and analyze the chosen text.  

  • Become familiar with the playwright and their other works.   

  • Research the social, cultural, political, and theatrical context of the play. 

  • As desired, provide the production team with useful resources to help them work together to tell the intended story. 

  • Attend and contribute to design and production meetings.  

  • Collaborate productively with all members of the production team. 

  • Attend rehearsals. Rehearsal attendance and style of collaboration should be discussed with the director in initial meetings.  

  • Meet specific deadlines detailed for the project. 

  • Attend the Company Meeting (first rehearsal) and present a research overview.  

  • Create Actor Packets. (see appendage) 

  • Provide information (commentary, illustrations, photos, etc.) for the program, lobby display, public website, or any other supplemental audience materials (in consultation with the Director). 

  • If desired, assemble and moderate talkbacks or pre-show talks with audience members.  


9 Weeks Before Opening: Play Discussion; Research; Script Analysis

8 Weeks Before Opening: Ideas/Dreams Meeting; Director Meeting

7 Weeks Before Opening: Additional Research

6 Weeks Before Opening: Prepare Actor Packet and First Day presentation

5 Weeks Before Opening: Company Meeting/First Rehearsal

Attend Rehearsals

2 Weeks Before Opening: Playbill note Due

1 Week Before Opening: Complete Lobby Display

After opening: talkbacks and other events as needed


Intimacy Director


Stage Manager